Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP)

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March is Woman’s History month in the United States, so let’s take a moment to celebrate a group of women frequently overlooked in American history. Did you know over 1000 woman flew military aircraft during 1942-1944 in non-combat roles? No? Well, it’s true. If you want to read the fascinating history of how and why these woman served their country during a time of war, let me recommend Women Pilots of World War II by Jean Hascall Cole. Learn what motivated these women, how they were trained and what their work day was like.  Also learn, once the war was over, how these women were dismissed from their jobs with no recognition or benefits from the US government.   It wasn’t until 1977 that the WASPs were granted full military status by Congress.  32 years later they were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.

1 Response

  1. i’m proud about this. especially since women bore the brunt of a lot of sexism during those times. i wonder why these books never really got in depth with that issue.

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