Want to reserve a large group study room in the Cannell Library?

Last modified date

Large Group Study Rooms (#204 & # 212) can be booked by Clark College students, faculty, and staff.

Students may reserve a group study room for mutual assignments or projects. No clubs, social gatherings, music practice, or individual study.


  • There must be at least 3 people (Clark College student, faculty or staff) in a group to reserve a room. If fewer members show up, you may be asked to vacate the room.
  • Groups can book 2 hours daily with a maximum of 6 hours weekly. Rooms must be booked at least 55 minutes.
  • Groups must legibly fill out a form listing the purpose of the meeting and the members in the group. Although one person can be responsible for multiple groups, the members of each group must be substantially different.
  • The key will only be checked out to the person who has filled out the form as the responsible party. This person must present their library card or Clark College photo ID.  All keys will be due 15 minutes before the library closes.
  • A group must vacate the room and return the key immediately when their reserved time ends even if the room is not currently booked by another group.
  • Library staff may override or cancel any booking.
  • Room reservations must be made in person. Only verbal confirmations will be given at the time of sign-up.
  • Rooms can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance when classes are in session.  A group can book a room the same time every week as long as they sign up in person.
  • Reservations will only be held for 10 minutes and then the room will be available for another group.
  • No food and only closed drink containers will be permitted in these rooms, the same as in the rest of the library.
  • Do not attach items to walls.
  • Loud talking or shouting is not permitted.
  • Only educational use of media is permitted.
  • Penalties for damages or policy violations will be assessed to the person booking the room. However, other members of the group who violate Clark college policies or cause damage may also lose booking privileges and/or be referred for disciplinary action.


• Late return of key: $5 to a maximum of $50.
• Missing or damaged key or key ring: $50.
• Damages to room or furnishings: to be determined by total repair, replacement, materials, parts and labor costs.

Media Equipment Available in Library Study Rooms

  • Overhead projector is located in Room 204 but may be moved. Ask at the Check Out Desk on the first floor.
  • DVD or videotape player. Remote controls can be checked out at the Check Out Desk on the first floor.
  • White boards are located in both rooms. White board markers and erasers are available at the Check Out Desk on the first floor.
  • LCD projector on a computer cart. Ask to schedule at the Check Out Desk on the first floor.

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