Top 10 Clark College Student Resource Hacks

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Clark College provides an array of free and low cost student resources that can help propel your success. The key is knowing where to find them. Let’s explore the top 10 student resources available to Clark College students and where to find a list of more Penguin Perks

  1. Library Resources

Did you leave home without your charger? Do you need a laptop to write a research paper between classes? The library has these resources as well as many other resources to help you accomplish your goals. Check out a list of the computers and equipment available to check out at Clark college libraries.laptop.jpg

  1. Microsoft Office 365

Writing papers and giving presentations are just two of the type of assignments given to students. One of the best perks of being a Clark College student is the FREE download of Microsoft office 365. This suite of applications can become rather spendy but this resource allows you to download Microsoft office 365 for free!

  1. Counseling and Health Center

Sometimes life happens, the Counseling and Health Center is great for students who may be facing health issues whether it is physical or mental health.

  1. Peer mentoring program

Are you new to the college life or just need someone to relate to and discuss how to succeed at Clark College? The Peer Mentoring Program may be the perfect resource for you. There are mentors with experience to help you learn to navigate college life and to give you advice on how to complete your goals.

  1. Gym Membership

Students who are currently enrolled in Physical Education, Fitness Trainer or HPE 258 (Fitness Wellness) courses are FREE to use the FC during that quarter. Students who are not can join the gym for only $20 per quarter. (Be sure to check with ASCC as they have a limited number of passes per quarter that can be purchased for $10). Learn more about all that O’Connell Sports Complex (OSC) Thompson Fitness Center has to offer.

  1. Game room

Time between classes and need to de-stress? Enjoy board games, a massage chair, wii games, or make and hang out with new friends. Check out the game room at PUB 162..

  1. Ask an advisor

Do you have a question for an advisor but don’t have time to meet in person? Ask your question through this quick online advising service.

  1. eTutoring

ETutoring allows you to do live web conferencing, get help in an online writing lab, submit questions, and gain access to many other resources through an online learning environment.

  1. Student Success Workshops

The scope of things you can learn in student success workshops is huge. A few of the workshops include: Interviewing skills, job search tips, text anxiety, transfer degree, and debt management to name a few.

  1. Penguin Pantry

This resource helps to reduce hunger and basic necessity needs among students. The Penguin Pantry offers toiletries and grocery items to students who are in need. Visit Penguin Pantry for more information.

Map of Penguin Pantry location


The list of student resources doesn’t stop there! Visit Penguin Perks to learn about more resources including free legal consultation and discount bus passes.

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