Tibetan Monks Returning to Cannell

Last modified date

**Important Update: The monks have not received their visa yet. At this time, their visit has been postponed to an undetermined date and may in fact be cancelled. We certainly hope that they will be able to come and we will update here and at the International Events website if/when they are able to reschedule. (4/29/15 4:26 p.m.)**

Third Day: the Tibetan Sand Mandala

The Tibetan Monks are returning to Cannell Library May 4 – 8 **Postponed/Cancelled** to create another beautiful sand mandala.

One of the things students most noted last time, aside from the amazing art created during the monks’ week-long visit, was how soothing the sounds of scraping sand helped their relaxation and focus.

Schedule of Events: **Postponed or Cancelled**

Monday, May 4: 12 – 12:30p.m.: Opening Ceremony with music
12:30 – 6:30p.m.: Sand Mandala Construction

Tuesday – Thursday, May 5 – 7: 10a.m. – 6:30p.m.: Sand Mandala Construction

Friday, May 8: 10a.m. – 2:00p.m.: Sand Mandala Construction
12 – 1:00p.m.*: Sacred Tibetan Art Presentation, PUB161 {*This session will take place concurrently with the mandala creation; not in Library}
2 – 3:00p.m.: Closing Ceremony with music
3 – 4:00p.m*.: Sand Disbursal in the Columbia River & Final Ceremony {* New this year & not held in the Library. We will caravan down to a designated spot along the river}

More information is available from the International Events Office.

See the Clark College photo album from their visit in 2012: Sacred Tibetan Art – The Sand Mandala: Creating a Picture of Universal Compassion or read the Indy’s article about this upcoming event: Tibetan Monks Visit Clark.

Photo/Image Source: “Third Day: the Tibetan Sand Mandala” copyright Clark College (https://flic.kr/p/dx2Mdz).


7 Responses

  1. Will these monks still be coming on May 4th. If so can we get students to donate to the earthquake fund?

  2. Hi Teresa,

    That’s a good question. I will contact the International Events Office and see if they have heard any news or have any plans about a fund. As far as we know, the monks are still coming, but we definitely want to double-check.


    Wendy Clark

  3. Thanks Wendy,,,,I appreciate you looking into this. I have been looking forward to their visit.


  4. You are welcome! I have already heard back from the International Events Office:

    “The monks live in south India, quite far from where the earthquake struck (thankfully!). However, I am still awaiting an update from India to confirm that they’ve obtained their visas without a hitch and to receive an update on their travel/arrival date.

    Our office wholeheartedly supports the idea of encouraging contributions toward relief in Nepal, and I would suggest that any interested donors select a vetted charity to donate through. I would be happy to compile a list of reputable charities on a handout to issue at the Sand Mandala event, but that would leave the decision to the individual and we wouldn’t be endorsing any one charity. I am sure the monks would be in support of this information at the event.

    Thanks for your support!

    Jody Shulnak
    International Student Recruitment & Outreach Manager”

    So as soon as we find out if there are any changes, we will update this blog post. I am also looking forward to their visit! The last visit was so restful and their art was beautiful. We are really lucky to be chosen a second time.


    Wendy Clark

  5. Wonderful. I have a list myself that I just got from my girlfriends daughter who is there doing some great volunteering with sex trafficing and then the earthquake destroyed their place. However they and the host family are all safe. They are continuing to be of service and will be helping many many victims.

    Thanks again,

  6. Hi Teresa,

    We have just heard very unfortunate news that the monks have not received their visas. At this time, their visit is definitely postponed and it may in fact be cancelled. We will update here as soon as we know for sure. This is disappointing and I wanted to let you know ASAP.


    Wendy Clark

  7. What a huge disappointment I look forward to their return
    Thank you so much for letting me know

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