“The World According to Monsanto” – New DVD

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world_according_to_monsanto_dvd1“Monsanto Company is the world’s leader in agricultural chemicals, seed and genetically modified crops, as well as being one of the most controversial companies in industrial history.

“This film uses hitherto unpublished documents and testimonies of victims, scientists and politicians to expose Monsanto’s lack of care in protecting the environment and the health of those exposed to their products. Shows how the company promoted such products as Roundup (glyphosate), bovine growth hormone, and genetically modified plants.”

Coproduction with Arte France, the National Film Board of Canada and WDR.

Ask for it at the Check Out Desk – – HD9651.9 M6 W67 2008

3 Responses

  1. Genetfically modified plants can help end world hunger. They are not something to be afraid of. The genetic changes involved in transgenetic crops don’t alter your genes when you eat them, they help the plant grow and require less use of fertilzers, pesticide, etc…

  2. GMOs enable a few companies to control what plants will be grown and where. The reduction in labor necessary to raise these crops can adversely affect employment rates in the countries that grow them. Because the modified plants are easier to grow and because they produce uniform results, they are driving heirloom plants which have more flavor and more variety in appearance- but also cost more to raise- from the market. As the video says, there is a great deal of pressure on farmers to only grow seed from the big companies and not to save their seed and replant and this harms smaller farmers like the family we meet in Mexico as well as cheating the consumer who may not even know what they’re missing by eating the GMOs.

  3. Changing the genetic composition of foods is research that could be very helpful with our future food supplies. I’m not sure if this will enhance our food sources or cause problems due to consumption of these hormones.

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