August 6, 2015 Julie’s Favorite Search Shortcuts As a librarian at Clark, I spend a lot of time searching for information. Let’s face it: we all spend a lot of time searching for information, whether it’s looking… Categories computers/Internet/OER/Technology/website/Websites
November 28, 2011 Take a Library Class and be as Loud as You Want Well, OK, maybe not as loud as you want. But if you take one of the three courses offered by the library I guarantee you will not be bored! Librarians… Categories classes/Instruction
November 22, 2010 Register for our 2-Credit Internet Research Class Categories CTEC LIBR 115/Instruction
June 4, 2010 Cavalcade of Stars What’s that? You’ve never heard of the Cavalcade of Stars? Let me guess, you’ve never heard of Jackie Gleason either, right? Well, in a time before the mind numbingly stupid… Categories Fun/History/Internet Archive/videos