October 16, 2008 Fun look at physics If you are anything like me, the mere mention of physics makes your brain hurt. That theory is too deep for me. Or so I thought until I looked at… Categories Book Reviews/Science
July 7, 2008 Book Return has moved Due to the construction on the Hanna Hall parking lot, we have moved the book return. The new location for the book return is north of Gaiser Hall, near the… Categories Book Return
May 23, 2008 Love Children’s Books? We do! And we’ve ordered a bunch of new ones for the Renaissance Kids collection! Some of the library favorites are: Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen Flotsam by David Weisner… Categories Book Reviews/books
May 8, 2008 A plethora of great new books We’re getting lots of new books in these days thanks to additional monies from Instruction this year. A couple that caught my eye this week: Restless Skies, the Ultimate Weather… Categories books
January 14, 2008 No laptop? No problem! Check out one of ours. Thanks to a generous grant from the Clark College Foundation, Clark College students can now take the internet into the study rooms or type a paper by a sunny window!… Categories Laptops/Services
October 30, 2007 Have the Chronicle of Higher Education Delivered to Your Desktop Keep up-to-date with the latest news in higher education by setting up an alert to the Chronicle of Higher Education. With Chronicle Alerts, you can get a digest of events… Categories Databases/Resources
June 27, 2007 Introducing Reference Assistance via Instant Messaging Cannell Library has begun to offer reference assistance via Instant Messaging, or IM. This is still a work in progress, so there may be problems from time to time, so… Categories Instant Messaging/Services
May 30, 2007 LexisNexis is now available! Cannell Library now has access to LexisNexis, a powerful database that provides access to a wide range of authoritative sources, including world-wide news, business, financial, and legal research tools (such… Categories Databases/Resources