Summit Celebrates One Million Loans

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It seems fitting that Cannell library inaugurates it’s blog with a big announcement: The Summit Consortium recently celebrated its one millionth loan! That’s 1,000,000 books, CDs, DVDs and other materials that users in the 33 member libraries requested online and received within 2-3 days.

Cannell Library is proud to be a member of Summit, because it means our students, staff and faculty have access to more than 26 million items in the combined catalog.

What about you? Have you used Summit? Let us know! Just click the comment button below, fill in a quick registration, and share your comments.


2 Responses

  1. Summit is awesome! I ordered a book and it got here in just 2 days. Thanx for the help!

  2. I am so grateful that SUMMIT exists. In my own research and as a teacher in English 102, I have used SUMMIT on many occasions, and I am constantly amazed at the speed and value of this wonderful service. Thank you, Clark Librarians. I hope Clark faculty and students remember to tell you on a regular basis how much we appreciate all you do!!

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