Spanish Language Videos

Last modified date

El Laberinto del Fauno

Cannell Library received 70+ Spanish language videos as a part of a grant. Like all of our DVDs, they check out for 6 days and you can have up to 3 checked out at a time. They interfiled with the rest of the DVD collection by topic. You are welcome to browse the whole DVD section but there is a simpler way to see them all — and read a quick blurb about each.


Strategy 1:

Type “Spanish language films” into the library catalog search box on the library website and press “Search”. This will bring up a list of all our Spanish films in alphabetical order.

Spanish language films search box


Strategy 2:

Type “Spanish language” into the library catalog search box on the library website and select DVDS/VIDEOS from the All Material Types box below. Then press “Search”. This will also bring up a list of all our Spanish films in alphabetical order.


Students may not request DVDs/videos through the catalog. Students at CTC: Talk to iCommons staff about delivering DVD/Videos to the iCommons.

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