Q: Where can penguins go to study?

Answer: It depends on what kind of studying they want to do!

CTC has a lot of great study areas! Need quiet? Need to work in a group? Need tutoring?  We’ve dubbed the study areas at CTC as “commons” and, with feedback from students, have set some guidelines to help you find the right place in the studysphere.

  • Quiet Commons: These areas are for  silent study, rest and reflection.
    • CTC 330
    • 203 Computer Lab
  • Study Commons: These areas are for small study groups, peer-to-peer learning and academic discussion.
    • CTC 204
    • CTC 304
    • CTC 310
    • CTC 336 – Also called the Tutoring Commons

  • Tutoring Commons: Treat this area as a study commons, to be used for formal tutoring as well as for small study groups, peer-to-peer learning, and academic discussion. Tutors have priority use during scheduled hours, which are posted in the room.
    • CTC 336
  • Community Commons: This area is for social conversation and interaction. Look for ASCC student activities and other events here, too!
    • Second Floor, top of the stairs.
  • Information Commons: This area is the CTC library and it’s for academic work and discussion in small groups or with a librarian or library staff. Use the PCs or just spread out your stuff on a table.
    • CTC 219
    • CTC 219A and 219B :  study rooms for either group or quiet study.

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