Outstanding Student Employee Awards

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Each year Clark College recognizes students for their efforts and work on campus. Cannell Library is proud to announce that three of our student workers won outstanding student employee awards at this year’s OSWALD (Outstanding Students With Academic Leadership and Development) ceremony. They are…

Rachel Elliott

R. Elliott

Rachel has been an excellent student employee since she began working at Cannell Library in August 2006. She undertakes every task with good humor and attention to accuracy. Rachel consistently demonstrates a commitment to providing outstanding service.

Vy Nguyen

V. Nguyen

Vy was hired as a student circulation assistant at Cannell Library in September 2005. Her outlook and demeanor is consistently polite and respectful towards the diverse clientele who use the library. Her friendly, helpful attitude is a wonderful asset in the Circulation department.

Vi Tran

V. Tran

Vi began working in the technical services department of the Cannell Library in September 2004. Her dependability and friendly attitude make Vi a great asset to the library and we wish her the best as she graduates and pursues her goals.

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