Organized for Success

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Organization is an important factor in education success. Assignments, tests, and projects can be overwhelming by themselves, but throw in daily life and several other classes, and you got yourself a stress-fueled mess.

Whether you are a returning student or a newbie to the college game, here are some helpful tips and links to help you get focused and organized.

Start a Bullet Journal

This helpful tool has been sweeping Pinterest Boards with its customizable nature and friendliness towards type-A personalities. With this analog system, you can create lists and tasks, track habits, and keep a schedule for events and due-dates. Googling “Bullet Journal Layouts” will present endless inspiration for the artistic and doodle-centric, while also providing proof of the usability of the system as well. However, if you are someone who gets overwhelmed with layouts and color schemes, then a Bullet Journal is still for you. Keep it simple and remember to make the system work for you.

Check out these links to get started:

Clark Student Success Programs

Clark College has several resources available to help ensure your success! Learn how to balance and organize your classes and personal life through Clark Success Services. You will also learn about how to communicate with instructors and tap into the expertise and support of your peers. Struggling with grades? Let Academic Achievement Services help connect you to mentors, tutors, and teach you how to better manage your time.

The best thing about these services? They’re FREE!

Clark Libraries

Clark Libraries has access to thousands of materials and resources that can aid in your college success. Not only does our collection house information to better assist you with class assignments and projects, we also have resources that will help with college organization. A quick search for college level study skills in our Discover catalog lends 179 results! Titles in the list include, College Rules! how to study, survive, and succeed in college, and The Secrets of College Success.

Whatever your learning or organizational style, prepping for college success is a must. You are sure to power through your obstacles by adopting one of these success tips.

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