New Library Catalog Launched!

New Library Catalog homepageToday, Clark College Libraries are launched a new Library Catalog search tool on the library home page.  You will see and experience its features, after you submit a search via the Find Books & Other Resources search box.  Our classic (previous version) of Library Catalog is still available for you to use – see Library Catalog Classic link under the search box on the library home page.
Screenshot of Find Books & Other Resources

The new Library Catalog user interface look will continue to change for the better in the near future, as we are still in the process of implementing design suggestions from students in User Experience Design course (CGT 105), taught by Professor Robert Hughes this past spring.

Please use the New Library Search Feedback form for your suggestions and contact us with your questions about the new Library Catalog search user interface.

I hope you will enjoy the new look and feel of our new Library Catalog UI and will let us know of anything we can do to improve your user experience.

Please note that any saved items on your eShelf in the Library Catalog Classic interface will NOT automatically migrate to your Favorites in the new Library Catalog user interface.

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