30 Clicks / Collaborations / Communication / computers / Internet / Online Classes / Students / Technology
Need instructor permission to register for an online class or help with Blackboard?
For detailed, step-by-step instructions about how to get instructor permission to register in online classes check out the website at http://www.clark.edu/academics/eLearning/class_reg_perm.php.
There is also lots of information about what to do if you are having technical problems logging into Blackboard at http://www.clark.edu/academics/eLearning/Bb_support.php.
If you try this without success or need to reset their password, they will need to use the Smart Penguin Tech Ticket System at http://www.smartpenguin.org/techticket.
Always nice when you have post of how to get in class… thanks for making my life super easy, you rock!