CGT 105 Students Take on IRIS Makeover

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Students of Professor Robert Hughes’ CGT 105, User Interface Design class, have a lot to be proud of this quarter. As part of their coursework they performed user experience analysis and provided ideas for solutions to improve and update IRIS, Clark College Libraries’ collection of information literacy tutorials.

The project included several phases, starting with using IRIS to get a feel for the user experience, identifying issues, applying principles of Mandel’s Golden Rules of Interface Design, and suggesting solutions to the identified problems. Work included individual as well a collaborative activities, with members of the Library’s UX Team attending several class sessions to guide focus groups and present feedback. The makeover ideas unveiled by students during their final presentations have been both inspiring and motivating.

This is the twelfth year that the library has partnered with Professor Hughes and his students. Previous classes helped design the layout for the existing IRIS, performed usability, and provided makeover ideas for the library’s website.

Visit the CGT 105 class guide for more information and class photos.Student presents final IRIS solution



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