Censored 2017

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Project Censored - The News That Didn't Make the News (logo)

“In 1976, Dr. Carl Jensen founded Project Censored at Sonoma State University as a media research program with a focus on student development of media literacy and critical thinking skills as applied to the news media censorship in the US. Each year the Project researches, vets, and compiles the Top Twenty Five most censored and under-reported news stories in the US, and offers scholarly analysis and critiques …”

Project Censored “now connects hundreds of faculty and students at colleges and universities across the US and around the world in the collective effort of identifying and researching each year’s top Censored news stories … Project Censored continues to foster relations with numerous independent media groups and free speech organizations.”

“Project Censored has trained over 2,500 students in media literacy and has received numerous honors … and in 2013 became part of the National Coalition Against Censorship.” — Project Censored, About Us


Censored 2017 - book cover - Fortieth Anniversary Edition

You’re in luck! … Cannell Library has the books! … The annual Top 25 censored stories, 2004-2017 … “The news that didn’t make the news — and why.”

PN4888.P6 C45
2015-2017 – Reference
2004-2014 – 2nd Floor

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