May 17, 2018 Mid-May Library Happenings Clark students returning from Spring Break stopped into Cannell Library to share how they spent their vacation (see image below). Our current board asks students to share their favorite instructor… Categories activities/Cannell/Clark College Libraries/Displays/Events/Fun/Poetry/Students
April 26, 2018 Poem In Your Pocket “Every April, on poem in your pocket day, people throughout the united states celebrate by selecting a poem, carrying it with them, and sharing it with others throughout the day…. Categories art/Poetry
April 18, 2017 Tod Marshall Poetry Reading Event Happy National Poetry Month! Washington State Poet Laureate 2016-2018, Tod Marshall, will visit Clark College during his Southwest Washington Tour. Marshall will read poetry in the Cannell Library on April… Categories art/award/books/Cannell/Displays/Poetry/writing