October 25, 2013 Collaboration Commons A.K.A the First Floor Study Area The Collaboration Commons has changed since the end of our summer quarter. We have moved our popular periodicals and all the furniture that was across from the Check Out Desk… Categories Cannell/Collaborations/Environment/Resources/study areas
April 9, 2013 CTC debuts the LOFT! New study space at CTC: The LOFT! Spring quarter we our debuting the LOFT a new study space located on the third floor of CTC. Students can utilize new modular… Categories Collaborations/computers/CTC/equipment/iCommons/Resources/Services/study areas
February 28, 2013 Rodents in the Library – Not What You Think Come in to the Clark College Libraries and check out the newest members of our equipment family: wireless mice! Thanks to the Clark College Student Tech Fee Grant, you can… Categories Cannell/Collaborations/computers/Laptops/Services/Students/Technology
January 7, 2013 Look What Santa Brought to Cannell? New tables and chairs and the Transitional Programs Collection, Oh My! Cannell Library welcomes the Transitional Programs from Town Plaza Center on Mill Plain to the main campus! We have new books to celebrate. The ESL/ENL collection has been expanded and… Categories books/Browsing Collection/Cannell/Collaborations/computers/Hours/Programs/Resources/Services/Students/study areas
December 10, 2012 CGT 105 Students Take on IRIS Makeover Students of Professor Robert Hughes’ CGT 105, User Interface Design class, have a lot to be proud of this quarter. As part of their coursework they performed user experience analysis… Categories activities/classes/Collaborations/Resources/Students