Library Resources

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Did you know that Cannell Library has a lot of resources for you to use in addition to books and article databases?  Some of the resources we have available at the library include:

  • Laptops and calculators.  You can check out laptops and calculators for three hours from the Check Out desk.  Laptops must stay in the library, but calculators can be used outside the library.
  • Videos.  You can check out videos (both DVDs and VHS format) for six days.
  • DVD, VHS & CD players.  Need to watch a video for a class assignment?  Want to listen to some music in between classes?  We have televisions with DVD and VHS players and we have CD players on the second floor of the library.
  • Group Study Rooms & Quiet Study Rooms.   Both are available on a first-come, first-served basis on the second floor of the library.

That’s just a few of our resources – come visit us at Cannell Library to discover more.

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