What’s your favorite summer book?

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Remember in April, when we said that there’s nothing librarians like more than a themed display? Well, we have an idea for the next one here at the iCommons, and it features you. No, it won’t be an art installation with bigĀ mirrors, or some kind of embarrassing audience participation. It’s something much better: summer reading recommendations!

In summer, it’s easy to let reading slide, especially that offline reading that really restores our minds. That’s why every year, we encourage students and staff to read and recommend books to each other. To make this easier, we’ve put a box and some slips of paper in the iCommons, so you can just write down your favorite book and submit it. Like so!

A hand places a piece of paper into the summer reading suggestion box.
Source: Clark College Libraries

We all have our own definition of a good book for summer. I like to read about painting and nautical disasters, and I have friends who prefer to relax with fan fiction, religious books, ghost stories, or Dungeons & Dragons sourcebooks. We welcome all suggestions.

Please write a sentence or two about why you recommend the book, too. In early June, we’ll make a bulletin board of your suggestions and also put the books on display in the iCommons (provided we own them, and they are physical books, and you don’t tell us not to). This way, we can keep the Clark community reading together all through the summer.

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