Art display at CTC

Clark student Brad Brehe has always been interested in art, travel, and architecture. With a passion to learn, Brad was naturally interested in taking the Welding 120, Welded Sculpture class at Clark. Brad’s sculpture has welded metal box frames with brightly colored inserts. It is titled Cube-Año: Reflections of Time Spent in Havana  and was inspired by a year spent in Havana.

Brad states that the piece is “reflective of my travels to Latin America where you don’t necessarily see communities at first glance as functional, but as you meet the people in these areas their beauty and appreciation of LIFE is simply bright and fresh, hence the color”.

Brad’s sculpture is currently being displayed in the iCommons display case at CTC!

Students display photography, pen and ink, charcoal, oil, acrylic, watercolor as well as sculpture. We’re open to seeing your unique creativity! If you’re interested in displaying an art piece of your own for fall quarter please contact us at 360-992-6138 or email

Metal sculpture
Source: Clark College Libraries



Welded sculpture
Source: Clark Libraries

Stop by the iCommons and see this unique art piece for yourself, and, while here, check out our books about sculpture made from all media types!

Cover of "Direct Metal Sculpture"

cover of "Creating Welded Sculpture"

cover of  "The Process of Sculpture"



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