Banned Books Week: 9/28 – 10/2!

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Every year, libraries and bookstores from across the nation celebrate Banned Books Week to help bring awareness to censorship and to celebrate the freedom to read. No matter the genre, all books are subjected to great scrutiny by the community. While many of the challenges placed against books are often an attempt to protect young children from offensive works; these good intentions still hinder the voice of the writer and others’ access to the information.

Source: Clark College Libraries Photographer: Keelie Wray
Source: Clark College Libraries
Photographer: Keelie Wray

In recognition of the importance for literacy and information freedom for the younger generation, the thematic focus for this year’s Banned Books Week is Young Adult. In fact, the top 10 challenged books of 2014 were all YA titles, with The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie coming in at the top of the list.

Source: Clark College Libraries Photographer: Keelie Wray
Source: Clark College Libraries
Photographer: Keelie Wray

The iCommons at the CTC campus has a Banned Books display containing books from several genres that have been challenged or banned. The display will remain up for two weeks and will be taken down Monday, October 12th. Take a stand against censorship and support these voices by checking out a banned or challenged title today!

To learn more about Banned Books Week, try these informative pages dedicated to intellectual freedom:

-American Library Association, Banned & Challenged Books:

-Banned Books Week:



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