USA Freedom Act

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Freedom is not free Korean War memorial
CC Photo: Freedom is not free by Jean-Etienne Minh-Duy Poirrier.


How concerned are you with privacy, especially online?

Librarians have long been opposed to and concerned about Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act. Finally, Congress has acted to curtail some of the provisions that the ALA and others have said threatened civil liberties.

Pew Research Center recently released a report “Americans’ Attitudes About Privacy, Security and Surveillance” which discusses how people feel about online privacy. This seems incredibly relevant given that President Obama signed the USA Freedom Act which overhauls the bulk collection of phone data.

If you are interested in electronic privacy and want to know more, check out (Electronic Privacy Information Center) to learn more about the future of the internet.

Interested in Edward Snowden? Check out the documentary Citizenfour.


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