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CTC Study Areas
Are you looking for a great place to study at CTC? Check out the LOFT on the 3rd floor
- The LOFT provides students with collaborative space that supports mobile peer-learning with access to modular furniture, netbooks, laptops and LED projectors
- Individuals or groups find the LOFT an easily accessible space
- Students can check out laptops, netbooks, headphones, computer mice, calculators, wireless mice and keyboards, and LED projectors to use in the LOFT or anywhere else in the building.
- Visit the iCommons in CTC 219. Get a library card and check out a wide variety of equipment for free! Equipment checks out for three hours.
The LOFT furniture and equipment was funded through a Technology Fee grant
Other study areas at CTC
- Group Study: Rooms 204, 304, 310 and 336
- Tutoring: Room 336. Table priority for tutors
- Quiet Study: Rooms 330, 306 or the computer lab in room 203
- Academic Study: iCommons in room 219
- Offers an open area with 12 PCs for quiet, academic discussion
- Individuals or groups can also reserve our study rooms up to one week in advance