Ebook and Texts Archive at the Internet Archive

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More and more people are using eBook readers to read. This is great if you have an eBook reader, but what if you don’t? Not to worry, you don’t need one. In fact, you can find more books than can shake a bookmark at, from the Internet Archive. Read on…

The Internet Archive has a section for eBooks and text archives. You can find it here: Ebook and Texts Archive

Internet Archive View BookFrom here you can search all sorts of different subjects, but if you scroll down, you’ll find a link for a Children’s Library.
There are multiple ways to view the books as the image to the left indicates.
You can read the books online with the Internet Archive’s built in book reader, or you can download books and view them on your computer, laptop or mobile device. If you own an eBook reader that uses, ePub or PDF format, there are those formats and some eBooks are even formatted for the Kindle.

A wonderful example of the sorts of books you can find at the Internet Archive is Laboulaye’s Fairy Book.

Below you can see an example of the book as viewed from the built in Internet Archive book reader. As long as you have a browser on your computing devise, you should be able to view the eBook.

Children's Book

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