30 Clicks: Social Media Best Practices

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30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips

This week: Social Media Best Practices

Wednesday, May 2 @ 12:15 pm in LIB 103

Is your unit or department considering starting its own Facebook page or Twitter feed? Do you already have one? Then this workshop is for you. Hannah Erickson, who manages Clark’s main Facebook and Twitter accounts, will give tips on time management, FERPA hazards, Terms of Service, records retention, and other tricky issues facing anyone trying to use (or considering using) social media while representing a state institution like Clark College.

Interested? Join us at Cannell Library for this workshop  – everyone is welcome.

For a full schedule of 30 Clicks visit: http://library.clark.edu/sites/default/files/thirty_clicks_spring2012.pdf

To view videos from previous 30 Clicks sessions visit: http://library.clark.edu/?q=30-clicks

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