30 Clicks: My Friend Flickr

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30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips

This week: My Friend Flickr

Wednesday, November 2 @ 12:15 pm in LIB 103

Discover and download images for class projects, presentations and slide shows in this free photo community. Upload images you’ve created. Collect images into inspirational sets you can share with group members or anyone. Browse copyright-friendly Creative Commons and copyright-free public domain images. Add notes and comment on your faves! NASA and the White House are on Flickr – find out how you can be too.

Interested? Join us at Cannell Library for this workshop  – everyone is welcome.   For a full schedule of 30 Clicks, visit:http://library.clark.edu/sites/default/files/Thirty%20Clicks%20Fall%202011.pdf

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