30 Clicks: Finding US Government Information on the Web

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30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips

This week: Finding US Government Information on the Web

Thursday, April 21 @ 12:15 pm in LIB 103

The US Government produces huge amounts of useful, and reliable, information. Did you know that 24.3 lbs = the per capita consumption of candy by Americans in 2009 (US Census)? Did you know that each year Americans use more than 100 billion plastic bags? And a scientist is working on a process to convert those bags into rechargeable battery parts? (US Dept of Energy). You just need to know where to look. This session will highlight specific government web sites and how to search government documents to find fun informational tidbits and solid statistics.

Interested? Join us in the library for this workshop  – everyone is welcome.   For a full schedule of 30 Clicks on Thursdays visit: http://www.clark.edu/Library/PDF/thirtyclicks_2010.pdf

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