30 Clicks: Social Action through Social Media

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30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips

This week: Social Action through Social Media

Thursday, October 28@ 12:15 pm in LIB 103

Social networking tools such as Facebook are not only user-friendly, but provide a global forum through which individuals and communities, organizations and governments, can work to build connectivity among people. Join Jody Shulnak to learn about this dynamic application of a global communications platform which can be used to encourage social action and social change.

Interested? Join us in the library for this workshop  – everyone is welcome.   For a full schedule of 30 Clicks on Thursdays visit: http://www.clark.edu/Library/PDF/thirtyclicks_2010.pdf

1 Response

  1. I believe that social networking tools have a huge influence in students’ lives and I can see that educational institutions are now taking advantage of these tools for using it in education.

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