30 Clicks: Reviving the Lost Art of Browsing in the new Web Era

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30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips

This week: Reviving the Lost Art of Browsing in the new Web Era

Wednesday, February 29 @ 12:15 pm in LIB 103

Google and new search engines are becoming more accurate and delivering more specific and targeted results than ever before. But what about when your intentions are not so specific? CTEC instructor Robert Hughes believes that some of the most valuable web interactions are gained through browsing subject directories, RSS feeds and customized web and social media aggregators. Come to this session to learn how “search” is killing serendipity how it could benefit you to truly browse more within your web browser.

Interested? Join us at Cannell Library for this workshop  – everyone is welcome.   For a full schedule of 30 Clicks, visit: http://library.clark.edu/sites/default/files/thirty_clicks_winter2012.pdf

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