Photo of a rainbow painted onto asphalt. The photographer's shoes are visible from this angle

Photo by Carlos de Toro on Unsplash

Pride Month!

June is Pride month in the United States and to celebrate, we would like to share some new books the library has available for checkout!


White cover with the word "greedy" in rainbow colors
Greedy: Notes from a Bisexual Who Wants Too Much by Jen Winston
Pink cover with a green check mark in a white box that has a thick black border.
None of the Above: Reflections on Life Beyond the Binary by Travis Alabanza

If you’re looking for a book that offers personal experience as a queer person in the world, try None of the Above by Travis Alabanza or Greedy by Jen Winston. None of the Above walks the reader through seven phrases people have directed at author Travis Alabanza about their gender identity.

Greedy is a book of essays detailing Jen Winston’s experience of identifying as bisexual. This book is funny and so full of pop culture references, your head will spin faster than you can read! Winston discusses what it means to be ‘queer enough’ and if that’s something that can actually be measured.


Person with short, dark hair wearing the lesbian pride flag as a cape. Person with an afro raising their fist with pride flags painted on their cheeks. Person with light hair and glasses wearing the trans pride flag as a scarf, standing with their hands on the shoulders of a person in front of them who is shorter with short brown hair and holding a nonbinary pride flag. Four more people are holding the progress pride flag outstretched between them. One has textured dark hair and has their hands on the shoulders of the shorter person in front of them. This person has longer dark hair and has a birthmark on their cheek. The third person holding the flag has short curly red hair. The person behind them has long dark hair and is wearing a tank top with the nonbinary flag on it.
This is Our Rainbow: 16 stories of Her, Him, Them, and Us edited by Katherine Locke and Nicole Melleby
Hot pink cover with text in a darker shade of pink
Original Plumbing: The Best of Ten Years of Trans Male Culture edited by Amos Mac and Rocco Kayiatos

Story Collections

If you would like to read a book that is a collection of shorter stories, try This is Our Rainbow by Katherine Locke and Nicole Melleby or Original Plumbing by Amos Mac and Rocco Kayiatos. This is Our Rainbow is an anthology targeted towards middle-grade readers and features stories from a wide variety of genres. There is a story for every letter in the LGBTQIA+ acronym!

Original Plumbing, initially a zine then a larger publication, is a collection of the best features from its twenty-issue run. Covering a wide range of topics, Original Plumbing is a colorful book that shouldn’t be missed.


Gender(s) by Kathryn Bond Stockton
Bisexual and Pansexual Identities: Exploring and challenging invisibility and invalidation by Nikki Hayfield


If you are looking for a book that takes a more scientific approach to sexuality, then Bisexual and Pansexual Identities by Nikki Hayfield or Gender(s) by Kathryn Bond Stockton might be the books for you. In Bisexual and Pansexual Identities, Hayfield draws on research from psychology and social sciences for an in-depth look at plurisexual identities.

Gender(s) discusses the total strangeness of gender as a concept including how race and money can dramatically shape everybody’s gender. Stockton provides an impressive array of exhibits to consider, including dolls and their new gendering, the thrust of Jane Austen and Lil Nas X, gender identities according to women’s colleges, gay and transgender ballroom scenes, and much more.

Further Reading

Also: check out our blog post for Transgender Day of Remembrance highlighting Trans-specific resources.

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