October 25, 2010 APA Citation Workshop APA Citation Workshop Monday, October 25 from Noon – 1:00 in LIB 103. Having trouble with APA? Cannell Library will be offering a student success workshop on APA citations, where... Categories citing sources
October 20, 2010 2010 National Book Festival Videos The National Book Festival took place in late September, but that doesn’t mean you completely missed out on all the fun. Many of the authors were recorded when they gave... Categories books/events/fun/streaming videos
October 18, 2010 30 Clicks: Managing your Online Identity 30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips This week: Managing your Online Identity Thursday, October 21 @ 12:15 pm in LIB 103 This session will provide hints and tips for... Categories 30 Clicks
October 15, 2010 Happy Birthday P.G. Wodehouse Today would have been Mr. Wodehouse’s 129th birthday. What’s that? You don’t know who P. G. Wodehouse is? Why not take a gander at our online resource, Literature Resource Center,... Categories books/Cannell Library/history/resources
October 13, 2010 30 Clicks: Malware, Spyware, Adware and Viruses 30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips This week: Malware, Spyware, Adware and Viruses Thursday, October 14 @ 12:15 pm in LIB 103 These are terms we hear every day... Categories 30 Clicks
October 12, 2010 Google Docs Workshop @ Your Library When: Wednesday, October 13, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Where: Cannell Library, LIB 103 You will learn how to create a Google account and: ● write papers ● collaborate on projects... Categories activities/databases/resources/services/students/technology/tools
October 8, 2010 October is … (Fill in the Blank) … Month! October has many more things going for it than Halloween. Did you know that October is: Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month Domestic Violence Awareness Month Gay and Lesbian History... Categories books
October 4, 2010 30 Clicks: Prezi 30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips This week: Prezi: The Zooming Presentation Editor Thursday, October 7 @ 12:15 pm in LIB 103 Join Lori Wamsley for this 30 Clicks... Categories 30 Clicks/images/resources/streaming videos
September 27, 2010 Computers! Computers! Computers! The library has just received new computers on the first floor. We also have all new laptops for students to use in the library, just ask at the check out... Categories laptops
September 27, 2010 30 Clicks: NBC News Archives on Demand 30 Clicks: Information Tools at Your Fingertips This week: NBC News Archives on Demand Thursday, September 30 @ 12:15 pm in LIB 103 Thousands of videos, historic newsreels, primary source... Categories 30 Clicks/activities/databases/Internet Archive/newspapers/periodicals/resources/videos