May 8, 2020 Explore Gardening! The month of May signals enjoying nature, planting a garden or relaxing in the sun. Clark Libraries gives students access to a variety of eBooks that can provide hours of... Categories Clark College Libraries/databases/e-books
May 4, 2020 May Virtual Display #1: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! This month we recognize and celebrate contributions by the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. To learn more about the... Categories books/Clark College Libraries/displays/diversity/e-books/events/history/podcasts/resources/videos/websites
April 30, 2020 A Message From Your Library Workers You may be wondering what all of us who work at the library are up to while the physical libraries are closed. Please know that we are all continuing to... Categories Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/databases/e-books/equipment/fun/iCommons/laptops/OER/periodicals/staff/websites
April 30, 2020 This Week in History, April 26th – May 2nd. Jesse Redmon Fauset 1 “The remarkable thing about this gift of ours is that it has its rise, I am convinced, in the very woes which beset us . .... Categories Clark College Libraries/This Week in History
April 21, 2020 The Week in History, April 19th – 25th Charles R. Johnson, c 20131 “You can’t escape history, or the needs and neuroses you’ve picked up like layers and layers of tartar on your teeth…. Your every past action... Categories This Week in History
April 20, 2020 eCookbooks The first day of the spring term is here. The sun is shining, the weather is getting warmer, but there is still a chill in the air in the evenings.... Categories Clark College Libraries
April 17, 2020 National Library Week 2020: April 19-25 “The theme for National Library Week 2020, “Find your place at the library,” was chosen some time ago, before any of us could imagine the emergence of a global pandemic... Categories books/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/CTC/displays/diversity/e-books/iCommons/library catalog/resources/services/students/videos/websites
April 14, 2020 April Virtual Display: National Poetry Month Clark College Libraries are creating virtual displays while the library is closed, starting with April: National Poetry Month! Follow the links below to check out some online poetry ebooks and... Categories Clark College Libraries/displays/e-books/events/poetry/resources/websites
March 20, 2020 The Week in History, March 15th – 21st. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg C. 20121 The Week in History recognizes the lives, losses and achievements of four authors. “How fortunate I was to be alive and a lawyer when,... Categories Clark College Libraries
March 16, 2020 Clark College Libraries Closure and Remote Access Clark College Libraries will be closed from Tuesday, March 17 through Sunday, April 26. As of this writing, the Libraries are scheduled to reopen on Monday, April 27. All items... Categories Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/hours/iCommons