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Open Textbook Library eBooks Now Available
As part of Clark College Libraries’ work with Open Education Resources (OER), we recently added 443 titles from the Open Textbook Library. These ebooks are available online for free, and now you can find them when you search the library catalog.
These ebooks will automatically show up in your search results if they match your keywords. To browse through all of the ebooks, search for “Open Textbook Library” in Clark Libraries:
You can narrow down your search results using the subjects under Library of Congress Classification on the left-hand side.
Some titles that look especially interesting include:
- Living with Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest by Robert Yeats, from Oregon State University
- Personal Finance by Rachel Siegel and Carol Yacht
- The Meaning of Love by Richard Garlikov
- Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers by Mike Caulfield, from Washington State University Vancouver
- Communication Beginnings: An Introductory Listening and Speaking Text for English Language Learners by Della Abrahams, from Portland State University