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Library Strategic Plan Update
As promised, here’s what we’ve been working on when it comes to our Equity-Focused Strategic Plan:
- Goal 1: Improve accessibility of library materials and spaces (Abolitionist Framework, Inclusive Practices)
- Strategy 1: Propose an accessibility project as one of the Alliance Strategic Initiatives.
- While we talked a lot about accessibility and what it means for our consortium, the Orbis Cascade Alliance, and many library staff and faculty worked on accessibility projects (some related to the Alliance) this year, proposing an accessibility project as a Strategic Initiative didn’t ultimately seem like the best way to support this work. We’re continuing to explore how we can leverage the power of a larger organization to make resources more accessible for all users and to advocate for advancing impactful accessibility efforts.
- Strategy 2: At our Library Leadership Team meetings, identify areas for improvement in library policies related to accessibility.
- Our Access Services department is in the process of reviewing all of their policies.
- Librarians focused on our Collection Development policy, which led to the creation of a Statement on Harmful Language to contextualize the way our collection is classified.
- Strategy 1: Propose an accessibility project as one of the Alliance Strategic Initiatives.
- Goal 2: Improve communication between library colleagues (Collective Care, Inclusive Practices)
- Strategy 1: Unit Dean will work with the Administrative Services Manager and Acquisitions Specialist on a library budget report to share with the library. The Unit Dean will share the library budget report with the library at least once a term to help inform budget decisions and keep complete transparency.
- Done! Having a comprehensive library budget report helps all library workers understand our resources and make informed decisions as we face budget cuts.
- Strategy 2: Establish meeting agreements and use at meetings.
- Library workers have shared feedback in small groups and in an anonymous survey on a set of meeting and communication norms. We’re finalizing these this summer in order to put them into practice in the fall.
- Strategy 1: Unit Dean will work with the Administrative Services Manager and Acquisitions Specialist on a library budget report to share with the library. The Unit Dean will share the library budget report with the library at least once a term to help inform budget decisions and keep complete transparency.
This summer we will also set new goals for 2023-2024. As always, we welcome your ideas or questions as we continue to work to eliminate barriers and provide equitable information access through our services, resources, and instruction.