July 9, 2018 New Library Catalog Launched! Today, Clark College Libraries are launched a new Library Catalog search tool on the library home page. You will see and experience its features, after you submit a search via... Categories library catalog
May 9, 2018 Open Textbook Library eBooks Now Available As part of Clark College Libraries’ work with Open Education Resources (OER), we recently added 443 titles from the Open Textbook Library. These ebooks are available online for free, and... Categories collections/library catalog/OER
April 20, 2018 We Need Your Feedback on New Library Catalog Interface Clark College Libraries are preparing for the implementation of a new user interface for their library online catalog and you can help us by exploring its current Beta format and... Categories library catalog
June 5, 2017 End of Spring Semester 2017 Spring Semester is coming to a close; but you still have time to Request Library Materials for your final projects. Your assignments will transition into completed works through the multitude... Categories book return/books/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/CTC/finals week/iCommons/interlibrary loan (ILL)/library catalog/resources/students/Summit/tools
May 17, 2017 Clark Faculty & Staff Book Picks-Part 2! When you’re looking for an interesting book to read it is helpful to get a great recommendation! We’re again featuring book picks from Clark faculty and staff! This week we... Categories book reviews/books/Clark College Libraries/CTC/library catalog
October 20, 2016 Organized for Success Organization is an important factor in education success. Assignments, tests, and projects can be overwhelming by themselves, but throw in daily life and several other classes, and you got yourself... Categories books/Clark College Libraries/classes/collections/CTC/library catalog/resources
September 28, 2016 Banned Books Week 2016 Every year, libraries from all over the country celebrate Banned Books Week during the month of September. The idea is to bring awareness to the continuing issue of censorship of books through advocacy,... Categories Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/iCommons/information literacy/library catalog
August 18, 2016 Introduction to Research Guides Have you noticed some changes to the library’s website? We are now using a platform called LibGuides to organize and present our instructional material. Here’s a tour: Categories books/Cannell Library/citing sources/Clark College Libraries/classes/CTC/databases/instruction/library catalog/resources/videos/websites
June 14, 2016 Summer Reading This week marks the end of Spring Quarter and the beginning of summer! Some of you may only have a couple of weeks to relax before going back to class... Categories activities/book reviews/books/Cannell 2nd Floor Main Collection/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/collections/CTC/databases/iCommons/library catalog/students
June 9, 2016 Quarter Break and Final Hours Clark Libraries will be open regular hours during finals week but will be closed for quarter break beginning Thursday, June 16th at 6:00pm. Libraries will reopen Tuesday, July 5th. Finals Week... Categories books/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/classes/CTC/databases/equipment/finals week/hours/iCommons/library catalog/students