February 5, 2022 PICK UP a HOBBY The Winter months are an excellent time to pursue hobbies, personal interests, and establish new ones. The word hobby originates from “hobyn,” which means small horse or pony. Toy hobbyhorses... Categories activities/art/books/Cannell 2nd Floor Main Collection/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/COVID-19/e-books/fun/health
November 24, 2021 Get to Know Your Clark Librarians We recently gathered some fun facts about the librarians at Clark College. And since we’re librarians, we found book, video, and ebook recommendations to go with them! If you want... Categories Clark College Libraries/fun/staff
September 17, 2021 Fall Is in the Air Pumpkin Spice Latte It doesn’t seem possible that another summer is coming to a close. Fall is in the air, and we are entering the advent of a new school... Categories activities/Clark College Libraries/collections/databases/environment/fun/health/services/students
June 1, 2021 Libraries are Punk! Who says you have to be quiet in the library? Did you catch the Linda Lindas performing at the LA Public Library earlier this month? The four-piece teen punk band... Categories Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/collections/diversity/e-books/fun/history/women
October 8, 2020 Connect With the Library Through Zoom We are excited to offer Zoom hours to answer questions about your library account, help you with research, troubleshoot a technical issue, or simply have a chat about what we... Categories activities/books/Cannell 2nd Floor Main Collection/Cannell Library/citing sources/Clark College Libraries/classes/collaborations/collections/communication/computers/CTC/databases/e-books/equipment/fun/information literacy/instruction/laptops/library catalog/OER/periodicals/resources/streaming videos/students/Summit/technology/tools/websites
October 8, 2020 Clark College Libraries Wants To Hear From You! Fall 2020 Library Survey for Students (https://forms.gle/FtnsPQi9hP3pey8c8) Please take our quick, 3-5 minute survey for a chance to win a $25 Clark Bookstore gift card. The survey is open now through... Categories activities/collaborations/communication/contest/environment/events/fun/games/library catalog/students
April 30, 2020 A Message From Your Library Workers You may be wondering what all of us who work at the library are up to while the physical libraries are closed. Please know that we are all continuing to... Categories Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/databases/e-books/equipment/fun/iCommons/laptops/OER/periodicals/staff/websites
August 22, 2019 National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day! August 22 is National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day! … the perfect opportunity to schedule your cat’s routine check-up. … The American Association of Feline Practitioners has brochures,... Categories books/fun/health
July 19, 2019 Summer Display: Space Exploration To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969, the Cannell Library has created a display celebrating all things outer space! Library personnel... Categories books/Cannell Library/displays/fun/science
July 25, 2018 Clark College Libraries Rock n’ Roll Liven up your summer with Rock and Roll music! Come visit the current display at the Cannell Library. Made in America, the story of Rock and Roll began in the... Categories activities/art/books/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/displays/fun/history/students/videos/women