July 19, 2019 Summer Display: Space Exploration To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 20, 1969, the Cannell Library has created a display celebrating all things outer space! Library personnel... Categories books/Cannell Library/displays/fun/science
June 6, 2019 June Display: Pride This June, the Clark College Libraries display at Cannell celebrates the contribution of LGBTQIA2S+ creators to our collection. Drop by to check out a book on a queer topic, to... Categories Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/displays/diversity
May 3, 2019 May Display: Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month Throughout the month of May, the Cannell Library will celebrate Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month by showcasing works in our collection by API creators. If you have a suggestion... Categories Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/displays/diversity
April 12, 2019 April Display: National Library Week This year, National Library Week coincides with the first week of the Spring quarter. Our April display celebrates all of the wonderful people who work in Clark Libraries with... Categories Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/displays
February 6, 2019 Read Black* *Read books by black authors, featuring black characters, or about the historical black experience EVERY month…not just in February. Stop by the library to check out a book, DVD, or... Categories Cannell Library/displays/diversity
July 25, 2018 Clark College Libraries Rock n’ Roll Liven up your summer with Rock and Roll music! Come visit the current display at the Cannell Library. Made in America, the story of Rock and Roll began in the... Categories activities/art/books/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/displays/fun/history/students/videos/women
June 19, 2018 Favorite Teachers and Courses This quarter at Cannell Library, we asked students to share their favorite teacher and course. Take a look at the response below: Clark College Libraries would like to thank all... Categories Clark College Libraries/classes/displays/finals week/students
June 5, 2018 LBGTQA+ Pride Display! Pride Day (June 5) at Clark College is a day to celebrate diversity and promote equal rights and awareness for a marginalized group of people. Come check out our LBGTQA+... Categories books/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/collaborations/displays/events
May 17, 2018 Mid-May Library Happenings Clark students returning from Spring Break stopped into Cannell Library to share how they spent their vacation (see image below). Our current board asks students to share their favorite instructor... Categories activities/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/displays/events/fun/poetry/students
April 30, 2018 Staff Pick Library Book Display Looking for a good sci-fi read? How about a dark medieval mystery? Perhaps a classic? If you’ve ever been stumped on what kind of book you’d like to read, we... Categories books/Cannell 2nd Floor Main Collection/Cannell Library/collections/displays