January 6, 2021 Summit Renewals Now Available Clark College Libraries are excited to announce that items requested through Summit borrowing may now be renewed for up to 6 extra weeks (for most books) or up to 6... Categories books/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/library catalog/resources/services/Summit
December 9, 2020 December Virtual Display: Winter Holidays Clark College student library worker Rebekah Semrau assisted in the creation of this post. Clark College Libraries wishes you a happy holidays! Our only virtual display of December is focused... Categories books/Clark College Libraries/displays/diversity/e-books/events/history/podcasts/resources/videos/websites
November 25, 2020 November Virtual Display #3: Native American and Indigenous Heritage Month Clark College student library workers Rebekah Semrau and Olivija Langaityte assisted in the creation of this post. November is Native American and Indigenous Heritage Month! This month recognizes the history... Categories books/Clark College Libraries/displays/diversity/e-books/history/resources/websites
November 20, 2020 Find Business Information: ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry This week is Global Entrepreneurship Week! What better way to celebrate than exploring one of our business databases, ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry? It’s a ProQuest database, so you may be... Categories Clark College Libraries/collections/databases/periodicals/resources
November 18, 2020 November Virtual Display #2: Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance Clark College student library workers Rebekah Semrau and Olivija Langaityte assisted in the creation of this post. Note: This blog contains links that reference anti-trans violence and the murder of... Categories books/Clark College Libraries/displays/diversity/e-books/events/podcasts/resources/videos/websites
November 18, 2020 A Historical Look at the Clark College Library Chimes Available for a limited time we have released a new issue of The Chimes. Early editions of The Chimes were titled Cannell Library Chimes. Later it was renamed The Chimes... Categories Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/iCommons
November 13, 2020 International Education Week at Clark College Libraries Spanish Language Film Collection Several years ago, Spanish Professor Felipe Montoya created a list of award-winning international films in Spanish and obtained a grant so the library could purchase these... Categories activities/books/Clark College Libraries/collections/databases/diversity/DVDs/e-books/events/resources/streaming videos/students/videos/websites
November 9, 2020 Library Closure: Veterans Day Nov. 11, 2020 Clark College Libraries will be closed this Wednesday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day. You can still access many services through our library website: library.clark.edu. We will resume responding... Categories Clark College Libraries/hours/services
November 6, 2020 A Crowd Favorite: Gale Virtual Reference Library If you’re looking up information for a class assignment, chances are Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) is a good place to start. This database provides reference materials (think subject-specific encyclopedias,... Categories books/Clark College Libraries/collections/databases/e-books/history/resources/science
November 3, 2020 November Virtual Display #1: Election Day Today is election day! Clark College Libraries has created a collection of ebooks, articles, videos, and more all about voting. Learn about the history of voting, how elections work, and... Categories books/Clark College Libraries/displays/diversity/e-books/events/history/podcasts/resources/websites