April 13, 2016 Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes! It’s Springtime! Birds are chirping, the weather is warmer, the sun is out, and everything is feeling fresh and new! Continuing with the theme, Cannell Library has added some new... Categories activities/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/classes/collaborations/fun/services/students/study areas & rooms
March 17, 2016 End of Winter Quarter Reminders Both library locations will be closed starting March 18th and will reopen at 7:00 a.m. on April 4th. All books that are checked out now will be due during the break. You can... Categories book return/books/Cannell 2nd Floor Main Collection/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/classes/collections/CTC/databases/DVDs/finals week/hours/iCommons/interlibrary loan (ILL)/library catalog
March 14, 2016 We Want Your Art! If you’ve been to the CTC campus, you may have noticed the iCommons` display case. Usually, it holds many amazing book selections expertly arranged in an eye-catching and creative way... Categories activities/art/Clark College Libraries/classes/CTC/displays/fun/iCommons
March 9, 2016 Quarter Break Closures and Finals Hours Cannell Library will be open regular hours Monday thru Wednesday and will close for the quarter break on Thursday at 6pm. The Information Commons at CTC will be open regular... Categories book return/books/Clark College Libraries/CTC/finals week/hours/iCommons
March 7, 2016 Open Education Week “Open Education Week’s goal is to raise awareness about free and open educational opportunities that exist for everyone, everywhere, right now. We want to highlight how open education can help... Categories activities/books/Clark College Libraries/collaborations/OER/resources
March 4, 2016 Discover: Save Your Search & Get Alerts Would like save results of a successful search in Discover (the Clark College Libraries Catalog) and return to it later? Saving a query (a combination of specific search terms and... Categories Clark College Libraries
February 15, 2016 Remembering the Sand Creek Massacre With the installation of the Native Voices exhibition, a couple of the associated events hosted by Clark College and the Clark County Historical Museum, bring to light the tragic Sand Creek Massacre... Categories activities/art/books/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/collaborations/collections/communication/CTC/databases/e-books/events/history/information literacy/library catalog/students
February 11, 2016 Native Voices in Literature and History The new traveling exhibit, Native Voices: Native People’s Concepts of Health and Illness, located at Cannell library, provides a bevy of important information about the health, history, and culture of Native Americans... Categories books/Cannell 2nd Floor Main Collection/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/collaborations/collections/CTC/displays/events/health/history/iCommons/images/information literacy/resources/students
February 9, 2016 President’s Day- Libraries and College Open This is a friendly reminder that Clark College and Clark Libraries will be OPEN on President’s Day next Monday, February 15th. Categories book return/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/CTC/hours/iCommons
February 4, 2016 Celebrating African-American History Month Celebrating February as African-American History Month is a good reminder to explore the vast amount of history resources available through Clark College Libraries. For example, if you are... Categories Clark College Libraries