April 30, 2018 Staff Pick Library Book Display Looking for a good sci-fi read? How about a dark medieval mystery? Perhaps a classic? If you’ve ever been stumped on what kind of book you’d like to read, we... Categories books/Cannell 2nd Floor Main Collection/Cannell Library/collections/displays
April 25, 2018 Clark Libraries Career Sources Are you graduating soon and are seeking your next step? The Clark College Career Fair on Thursday, May 3 is a free, open event that allows anyone to speak to... Categories books/Clark College Libraries/CTC/Summit
February 23, 2018 Craft of Comics Art and Graphic Novel Display BANG! KAPOW! BOOM! Check out some of the awesome artwork featured by Clark College students from the Craft of Comic’s learning community. Clark College offers classes for writing and drawing... Categories art/books/Cannell Library/classes/collaborations/collections/displays/fun/students
February 8, 2018 Blind Date with a Book Looking for love in the library this February? Take a chance on a blind date with a book! Visit our display in Cannell Library and read the book profiles. Find... Categories books/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/displays/fun
January 17, 2018 CTC Browsing Collection-Revisited! Are you looking on ways to beat the winter doldrums? Winter is a great time to expand our horizons with a new book! This month the CTC iCommons is featuring... Categories books/Cannell 2nd Floor Main Collection/CTC/iCommons
December 11, 2017 Need something to read during the break? Sure the public library is great, but why not pick something up while you’re already on campus? Our Popular Reading collection is small but mighty. Here’s a few books I’d... Categories books
November 13, 2017 International Education Week, November 13-17 International Education Week (IEW) is a chance to appreciate and celebrate international education and the exchange of knowledge among different countries. The celebration is from November 13-17 at Clark College... Categories art/books/Cannell Library/collections/displays/events
October 24, 2017 Censored 2017 “In 1976, Dr. Carl Jensen founded Project Censored at Sonoma State University as a media research program with a focus on student development of media literacy and critical thinking skills... Categories books
September 6, 2017 Exploration Summer Term has come to an end and the Clark College Libraries will reopen on September 25 at 8:00 am. If you are looking for something to do during your... Categories books/Cannell Library/Clark College Libraries/CTC/fun/history/hours
August 7, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse 2017 The last time a total solar eclipse occurred, 38 years ago, people speculated how the animals would react; they wondered if chickens would return to roost and if roosters would... Categories books/Clark College Libraries/environment/events/fun/history/science