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Pokemon Go Photo Contest
Calling all Clark College students:
Clark College Libraries wants you to enter a photo contest to win a solar-powered phone charger valued at $79!
Submit a photo of a Pokemon at Clark College on our Facebook page ( or @-mention us on Twitter (@ClarkLibraries) and include the hashtag #ClarkLibrariesPokemon whether you submit a photo through Facebook or Twitter.
Photos will be judged on:
- composition
- creativity
- a strong Clark College presence (bonus point for catching a Pokemon in Cannell Library or the iCommons at CTC)
Photos must be:
- taken atĀ either Main Campus or the CTC
- taken using the Pokemon Go app
- submitted by a current Clark College student
We will take submissions untilĀ August 21st and will announce the winner during the last week of Summer Quarter, August 22-26.
Good luck, trainers!